N.U. Abdul Razzak Udayar
KANDY :The Annual Science Exhibition of Wesswood International College, Katugastota, Kandy for year 2024 was colourfully held on Thursday 24TH Oct. at the college premises under the patronage of its Principal Mr Chandrasiri. Wesswood, a boys’ college that is committed to promoting the studies and sports of the children of the region of Kandy for the last 17 years.
The school smartly organized this talent show and creative display of the students from Grade nursery to Grade 13 with the wholehearted support of the parents and well-wishers. All the members of the academic staff under the guidance of the Chairman of the College Fazir Mohideen and the Principal Mr. Chandrasiri acted as busy as bees guiding the students to bring out their skills, talents and creativity out of all subjects ranging from Science, Maths to English, History, Mother Tongues, Art, Islam.
Each and every class made different exhibits, charts, paintings, carvings, posters etc. displaying facts and figures on various subjects. The whole school diligently got engaged in preparation for this useful event that has clearly helped all students to get engaged in research and revision of their subjects that eventually help them perform an outstanding performance in the final terminal examination to be held shortly.
The Chief Guest of this momentous occasion, the former Vice Principal and the English Teacher, Mrs. Yamuna Muralitharajah expressed her appreciation to the students who wonderfully made exhibits, images, charts, drawings, posters and other creations to make this a brilliant exhibition. The exhibition committee comprising the Principal Chandrasiri, Vice Principals, Mr. Shiyam and Mr. Fahad were instrumental for the successful culmination of this vital annual exhibition. There were different themes for the primary, middle and the upper school. The Managing Director of the school Mr. Najah Yahya thanked all the students, teachers and all other departments and the parents for their dedication to bring out the hidden talents and commanding skills of the students.