COLOMBO — Zahira College Colombo had its Founder’s Day ceremony which at the College Gaffoor Hall under the patronage of the College Principal Triizviy Marikkar on Saturday October 5.
The Founders Day Oration was delivered by guest speaker Former Head of the Department – Philosophy University of Peradeniya Prof. (Dr) M.S.M. Anes who spoke about “ Muslim fine arts heritage and its influence in Sri Lanka A study focused on the contribution of Zahira College Colombo “
Zahira College was established on 21 August 1892 by late A.M. Wapichche Marikkar with the help of late M.C. Siddi Lebbe, I.L.M. Abdul Azeez and Ahamed Orabi Pasha and is one of the leading educational institutions in the country.
Spread over eleven acres of land in Maradana in the heart of Colombo, the school has, over the years, developed its facilities. It has a competition size playground, a swimming pool, a dental Clinic, a hostel, a canteen, a bookshop and a student’s counseling room.
Today Zahira College is the largest Muslim educational institution in Sri Lanka with more than 5,600 students and nearly 300 teachers.
Principal Triizviy Marikar presented a memento to the Prof. (Dr) M.S.M. Anes.
Chairman of the college board of management Fouzul Hamid, Deputy Principals M. M. Shazuly, Vice Principals A. M. Mihilar, Zeenath Ismail, Sectional Heads, Teachers, Old Boys and Students were also present.