COLOMBO — The Young Women’s Muslim Association (YWMA) in collaboration with Canadian Sri Lanka Muslim Women’s Alliance (CSMWA) ceremonially opened YWMA Vocational Training Institute at Sithy Fathima Center, Polwatte , Wellampitiya on Sunday February 8.
It was held under the patronage of President of the YWMA Mrs. Fawaza Thaha.
President of the CSMWA Mrs. Zeeniya Thassim was present as chief guest and Mrs. Imthiyaz Ovais was present as guest of honour. Also Mrs. Zeeniya distributed lunch boxes for students of Ahadiyyah School at this ceremony.
YWMA President Mrs. Fawaza Thaha presented a token of appreciation to the chief guest and guest of honour.
All Ceylon YMMA Conference Patron Khalid M. Farook, Colombo Times Chief Editor Mohammad Rasooldeen, Masjidun Noor Jumma Mosque President C.M.S. Uvais, Vice President M.N.M. Irfan and members were also present.