COLOMBO- Tuesday, May,25,was a hectic day for both consumers and vendors at the popular Pettah vegetables and grocery market.
From dawn to dusk on Tuesday, people went in large numbers to get their stuffs packed at home for next few days during their homestay.
Travel restrictions are to come into effect from 11 pm on Tuesday till May 28 from 4am and after a 14-hour respite, it would continue till June 4, and after a break, it will be continued till June 7.
Desperate buyers were forced to buy the items for prices quoted by the retailers. A consumer said that prices of vegetables and groceries were sold at exorbitant rates without any price control regulations.
Mask and social distancing were well observed under the supervision of the authorities. The police had a tough hand on traffic violators who had come in their own vehicles despite the government’s orders ‘ walk to the nearest shops to buy their essenetials’
A kilo of Carrot was sold at Rs 400, beans Rs 400, tomatoes Rs 240,ladiesfinger Rs 200, Green chilliess Rs 320, potatoes Rs 240 and Keeri samba rice at Rs 220 per kilo.