COLOMBO — In response to a request made by the Emir of Kuwait and under the coordination of Sheikh Mansoor Jabbar, a social worker from Kuwait sent 50 metric tons of dates to Muslims in Sri Lanka to mark the Holy Month of Ramazan breakfast with the financial support of Kuwait philanthropist Sheikh Allusi.
The dates will be distributed in Muslim areas under the supervision of Muslim institutions in Sri Lanka. The handover-ceremony took place at the Kuwait Embassy premises on Friday March 7.
On this occasion, the Charge D’ Affairs of State of Kuwait Othman M.A.H.S. Alomar, handed over the first load of dates to Ash Sheikh M.A.M. Nurullah, Director of Al Hima, Foundation a leading Islamic social service organization in Sri Lanka.
Representatives of Muslim religious and cultural institutions, including Moulavi M.S.M. Thaseem Daseem,, president of the AMYs and other Muslim institutions also participated in the event.
Also Ash Sheikh Noorullah, on behalf of Sri Lankan Muslims and the Sri Lankan people, expressed his gratitude to the Ambassador for the humanitarian assistance provided by the Kuwaiti Government and Kuwaiti philanthropists to Sri Lankan Muslims.