COLOMBO : Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Defence, on Saturday, denied reports of ex-LTTE cadre “regrouping to launch attacks” in Sri Lanka, as reported bCOLOMBOLy The Hindu, citing sources in Indian intelligence.
“The article is completely baseless. We have received no intelligence warning of such a security threat,” a Ministry spokesman said. The report, citing Indian intelligence reports, was picked up by Sri Lankan media and widely shared on social media.
Sri Lankan political leaders, too, strongly reacted to the Indian security establishment’s claims. Tamil Progressive Alliance Leader and Opposition legislator from Colombo Mano Ganesan said The Hindu report on “#LTTE regrouping” is “very disturbing in today’s social context of Sri Lanka where race relations are improving”.
“How authentic is this news? What’s the intelligence source? Is it Indian/Foreign? #Indian Media & Authorities are requested give more explanations,” he said.Source: The Hindu