COLOMBO: Sri Lanka celebrates World Children’s Day on 1st of October to raise public awareness about rights of children. Children’s Day is a commemorative date celebrated annually in honor of children, whose date of observance varies by country. The theme for Children’s Day on 1st October 2021 is ‘Children Before Everything’.
As per the United Nations the World Children’s Day is celebrated on 20th of November to commemorate the Declaration of the Rights of the Child by the UN General Assembly on 20 November 1959. The objective is to promotes international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and eagerness to improve children’s welfare. The theme declared by the UN is “Reimagine a better future for every child”.
This year, Colombo Times put in to practice the theme ‘Children Before Everything” and on Children’s Day took an initiative to create a platform for children to voice their opinion and share their views. Usually, the role of giving advice is carried out by an adult. We switched roles and inquired randomly from children aged 18 and below on what would be one piece of advice as a child, they would like to share with their parents or with adults.
We have shared the responses we received in this article. The responses reflect one distinct feature, each one is unique, and they have different ways of approaching matters. Their comments/views vary across a spectrum, but it gives us all a reminder that each one of us (as adults) should ensure that all these children are given a safe and sound environment to bloom. It is their right! Identify their uniqueness, care for them, use kind words, encourage them to learn, shower them with love sans any metrics or measurements and see them bloom with confidence to drive the future.
As Sir Abdul Kalam said “While children are struggling to be unique, the world around them is trying all means to make them look like everybody else”.
Children quotes on advice to parents/adults (collated below in random order)
“I believe adults should include and encourage children to contribute their own thoughts and opinions in every situation, be it a big or small decision. Every child should be given an equal chance and not been treated or seen as insignificant, immature or inferior solely because of their age. Children should not be made to be afraid to voice their opinions. Therefore, adults need to respect and reassure them that their opinions, thoughts and dreams are valid. Because at the end of the day, the youth are our biggest hope for the future”.
- Najmah Zaheed, 18 years
“Don’t tell me to do things fast, I will do things at my own pace”.
- Anonyms, 8 years
“When I ask you (mom) to come to play with me you should come”
- Vidun Randiv, 4 years
“Every child is special in their own way. Childhood is a universal experience every adult across the world has gone through. Childhood is a type of curiosity, imagination, exploration and incredible development. The day is a reminder that every child deserves education, nurturing and the best of everything and we are the building blocks of the nation”.
- Aaliyah Shaheer, 8 years
When handling a situation to consider things from the child’s perspective
- Nuha, 15 years
Fight for us even when the whole world says it’s impossible. As adults, you have the duty and responsibility of advocating for our rights because we don’t have a say in significant matters and policies, which is why it is vital that you pave a brighter future for us all.
- Yumna Zaheed, 16 years
“Parents need to step back when the siblings are having a fight or an argument. Children will work it out and resolve their own problems by themselves ”.
- Vaishal , 13 years
“Always try to understand your child’s emotions”
- Kian De Silva,10 years
“Parents should give up their bad habits and follow the word of God”.
- Chevonne Perera, 8 years
“Parents always say ‘don’t pet animals, they are dirty, I’ll give food and you step aside’. I love pets a lot. I want to pet them and play with them. Animals too need love and protection as we do. That’s why I love them and pet them. I always say this, but parents never seem to understand. They want food as well as they need love more than anything. That is why I love them and keep on doing it”.
- Devmi , 12 years
“You should not go to the road alone”
- Ananyaa,7 years
“Always look to see if the light turns green before you go”
- Anonymous, 8 years
“To be considerate and open-minded”
- Nabil, 13 years
“Obedience is the key to heaven”
- Anonyms,8 years
“Cleanliness is important. You should clean the bed every morning 😊”
- Tharith , 11 years
“Don’t eat dessert before lunch”
- Anonyms,7 years
“On children’s day I wish I could be with my friends in school. The pandemic has made us celebrate Children’s Day confine to our homes. I hope and pray for this pandemic to end soon and let me reunite with my friends again”.
- Inara Zeenath Kabeer, 12 years
“Children are the future. Every child is a different kind of flower and altogether make this world a beautiful place. Nurture them right so that they grow up to be good leaders and lead the world towards light.
- Nivad Mushtak- 11 years
“Do not force education on kids”
- Dulina Silva, 11 years
“Join kids in what they like instead of criticizing”
- Sakun Silva , 17 years
“Teach your children good manners and love and care for them”.
- Roven Fernando, 11 years
“Not necessary to be perfect all the time. If a color is taken from the color box, replace it in the same order.”(understanding how to do things the right way is essential).
- Raidaa Ziard, 8 years
“Be careful ammi! It’s a big virus. There is a virus outside. Be Careful”
- Chenitha, 3 years:
“ Happy Children’s Day”