Russia is a dynamically developing country. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it had been a hard time for the people, the state and the economy. A terrorist war by the extremists sponsored by the Western powers, was unleashed against us. Only when Mr. Vladimir Putin was elected the president, the situation stabilized, giving start to economic growth and the increase of living standards.
Today Russia is a federative state of 89 regions, among which are 24 Republics, 9 Krais, 28 Oblasts, 3 Federal Cities, 4 Autonomous areas, and one Autonomous oblast. Over 146 million people of 150 ethnical groups live in Russia on the vast territory of more than 17 million sq. km. It is a secular state with Christian majority, where the rights of all believers are respected. Side by side with Christians – in any situation, in peace and war, in work and labor – for hundreds of years Muslims, Buddhists and other religions have lived in a peaceful coexistence.

Over the past years, our country has launched numerous programs to rebuild the economy and infrastructure, to increase living standards and to improve the life of ordinary people. Hundreds of thousands of kilometers of new and reconstructed roads and railways have been launched to facilitate the movement of passengers and goods. Hundreds of new factories are opening every year, creating jobs for people and producing much-needed items. The renovation plan of restoring the living facilities in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities has been elaborated, along with intercity and internal transport connectivity – the vast nets of electrobuses, new suburban trains, and domestic airline flights have efficiently developed.
During hundreds of years the Kerch Strait has been an impede on the route from Cuban to Crimea. Now, under the Decree of the President and due to a major effort of thousands of citizens, this obstacle was removed and the beautiful Crimean Bridge was erected on the banks of that strait. The peninsula that finally returned to its native harbor, now has a direct, solid and short path to the South of Russia.
If you visit the Russian North, you will be able to see the powerful atomic icebreakers paving the way for caravans of ships, passing through the North Maritime Route, the shortest sea route from the Northern Europe to China and North America. Those steel giants that can break through meters of hard ice, have been built in the past few years.
20 percent of the Russian electricity generation (the supply has no breaks) is produced by the nuclear power stations. Russia is the leader in this sphere, and there is no other country in the world with such efficient and reliable nuclear technologies.
Finally, human evolution leads us to outer space – whereas our country has a huge amount of scientific and practical recourses. Russia leads the world in orbital launches, our astronauts explore outer space and conduct researches for future generations and for the improvement of everyday life. We aim to discover the surfaces of new planets, to deliver scientists to the Moon as a part of our Lunar program.
Despite the illegal western sanctions and attempts to “cancel” Russia, our industry is developing. There is a significant growth in mechanical engineering, light industry, car and tractor manufacturing, and other areas. Even though our former partners wished there would be a shortage of goods and hungry crowds of unemployed in our country, our manufacturers have increased their production and our food security is guaranteed.
We are a peaceful and kindhearted nation. However, those who consider themselves the global hegemon, always mistake kindness for weakness. That’s the reason – plus their colonialist nature – they have unleashed total war, a genocide against Russians. They used a group of Russians that had withdrawn from our culture and history, and turned them into a weapon of proxy war by the Nazism ideology. We had no choice but to protect our people, our children, our borders and our land. That was why the special military operation in Ukraine was launched, and it will continue until all its goals are achieved. There is no doubt that we will defeat the enemy!
Just like back in the 1990s, they want to defeat Russia and to loot our heritage. They don’t need Russia – but we, Russians, do! And the rest of the world also does. It is a matter of life and death, and we will not let them materialize their fantasies.
Long live our Motherland – the Great Russia! Long live our people – united and free!