COLOMBO : Foreign and Tourism Minister Vijitha Herath’ said here that the main goal of the government is to strengthen the economy towards an independent and sovereign nation.He was making a speech at the Foreign ministry on Wednesday at the commencement if work during the new year.
Fulk speech at the commencement of the work – 2025
” Today is a new day. A new year is dawning. A new year and a new day, mean new hope in our lives. We all have personal dreams in our lives. In order to make those dreams come true, we all have personal goals. Therefore, in this New Year, first of all let us determine to make our personal lives more successful and also to renew our lives. At the same time, we all have a work life. In that work life, we also have new hopes and dreams for the future. Therefore, we must be determined to accomplish that hope and future dream in our work lives. As you all know, the country is in a very problematic economic situation today as a result of the policy inadequacies in history. All of us must have the willpower to rise from this economic crisis and rebuild this country. All of us must have the dream of building the country. I know that we all have the determination to accomplish our dreams in our private lives, our dreams in our professional lives, and our dreams for the future of our country. So, today we must step into a new courageous and robust journey to succeed all those future dreams. That is why we are preparing to step into a new journey in the new year of 2025.
As the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we have a huge responsibility. It is because of this economic collapse that we have had to take urgent measures to earn foreign exchange for the country. If a country is to be economically strengthened, the most sustainable method is to establish an economy based on manufacturing in that country. It will take some time. That is why methods are needed to manage this economy to some extent to come out of this situation. Those methods are the ones that have started the economic reforms these days. Also, the ministry is taking measures to develop the tourism sector and the foreign employment sector.
In the tourism sector, we were able to meet the target of 2 million by the end of last year. That is a great achievement for us. We also have the goal and determination to increase this to 3 million by 2025. It is the collective responsibility of all of us to complete it. You know that through this, our country can quickly obtain foreign exchange.
We are also on a targeted journey to obtain foreign remittances through the foreign employment sector. Since it takes some time to build an economy based on manufacturing, we have the goal of raising our foreign reserves through foreign remittances, ensuring their welfare, their job security, and also receiving foreign remittances to help us recover economically as a country. In this regard, we have new goals for this year.
Our main goal is to strengthen the economy towards an independent and sovereign nation. Even though we may not like it when we become economically bankrupt, we have had to take certain measures while thinking about our independence and sovereignty in the international arena. But if we are economically strong, we can protect our independence and sovereignty as a country and proudly uplift Sri Lanka in the international arena. Therefore, as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as I said earlier, we are intervening to strengthen our economy and as a result of strengthening that economy, we must create a situation where Sri Lanka can stand tall in the world as a sovereign, free and independent country. That should be our future goal for 2025.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as far as I can see, is one family. As one family, parents, children, we all need to have the courage and strength in our hearts to come together and accomplish these goals. Therefore, as we begin the work of the new year this morning, let us start thinking as one family. As one family, let us set goals to build our family economically, socially, and culturally. Let us have that courage in our hearts. It should not be something that is forced upon you. We should all have a heartfelt expectation that is in line with our conscience. Only then will we be able to do this work honestly and successfully. Even though we belong to different races, religions, and political views, let us work with the mindset that we are one country, one Sri Lankan nation, one family. When we work as one family, we have to make certain decisions for the betterment of the family. On the part of parents, children have to make certain decisions for the betterment of the family. Children like some decisions. Sometimes they dislike some decisions. But those decisions are made for the betterment of the family. That’s how parents reprimand and admonish their children for the betterment of the family. One day, children will understand that is done for their own good. So, when we work as a family, let’s understand it and work on it. If there are shortcomings on the part of the parents, the children also have a responsibility to point out those shortcomings. In such moments take the necessary steps to correct those shortcomings and move the family forward. In many cases, our children show us our shortcomings as parents. They show us those shortcomings from a more advanced position than us. As we move forward in this modern world with modern technology, our new and younger generation, thinks in new ways. They see new things. In such cases, they give us advice according to their understanding. So, we should be humble enough to accept them.
So, if we get used to think and work like that, as ministers, as officials, and as employees, instead of being egoistic, we can end this journey with a victory. So, emphasizing these basic points, let us all come together as one family, leading the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, our tourism sector, and the foreign employment sector for the future prosperity of the country, with strength, courage, and hope. May you all have the strength and courage to achieve that goal. I would like to wind up by wishing that this New Year will give you the strength and courage to achieve both personal and professional dreams we all have.Thank You.”