COLOMBO: His-Holines Ash-Shaikh As-Seyed Afifuddeen Moulana Al-Quadiri Al-Jilani World Spiritual Leader of Dhaeru Jailani World Organization and His Son As-Seyed Abdur Rahman Moulana Al-Quadiri Al-Jilani
Arrived on Monday,July 31 in Sri Lanka.
On arrival, they were welcomed by Ven.Denagama Dhammarama Nayaka Thero, Al-Haj As-Seyed Naqeeb Moulana Jamu-ul-Lail, Al-Haj Ash-Seyed Dr.Hassan Moulana Al-Quadiri, Dr Nalin Ramesh Amarasingha, Al-Haj As-Seyed Haneef Moulana Al-Quadiri, Al-Haj Mohideen Cader, Al-Haj Haroon Cader and Dharul Jailani Sri Lanka Branch Muhibbeen at the Bandaranayake International Airport VIP Lounge -Katunayaka, Sri Lanka.Photos Abdul Rahman Azeem