COLOMBO ; First and foremost, I would like to extend our warmest congratulations to all Sri Lankans in Sri Lanka and all over the world on this occasion of the diamond jubilee of Independence in celebration of the freedom from the imperial rule.
The value of freedom is most keenly felt in periods when freedom is lost or restricted. Colonial Sri Lanka has a history of unitedly fighting for our freedom, regardless of race-caste etc. Even to date, the known and unknown national heroes whose blood, tears and sweat that proud history is made up of brings a tear to our eyes. We should proudly come together to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of freedom won with immense dedication so that this heartfelt feeling is not only limited to the knowledge books of our newborn sons and daughters but is also felt in their hearts.
I feel that it is also important to think about how the world view the Diamond Jubilee of our freedom. There is no better opportunity than this to make a mark on the world map as one country, an undivided Sri Lankan nation, a community that appreciates each other’s differences. In the past, this small island which was famous for its pearl reefs and the world’s most precious spices is vibrant in its differences. However, to be united as a country and put our name before the world, we have to present many more significant innovations to the world. It is not wrong to say that such changes apply to the Sri Lankan state and society in which we live.
Sri Lankan society was caught up in a systematic transformation when we came to the forty-year-old parliament building in the heart of Diyawanna from that of in Gall face built under the influence of the European architecture. In the midst of all these transformations, our society flourished, continuing to enjoy the fruits of intellectual democracy, universal suffrage, representative democracy, people’s representatives, freedom of expression and speech, fair elections, free education and free health.
We have to admit that the freedom of thought and skills of Sri Lankan children, which are essential to produce perfect human beings for the future, survived because the Sri Lankan government was engaged in maintaining this system despite all challenges within the last seventy-five years.
While celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of a proud independence with a heart full of warmth, we should not forget that there are still many challenges to be won. I do not think it is a good practice to defame the country without fulfilling our duty by overcoming various challenges as senior Sri Lankans of the country. The way in which our heroes of the past came to face imperialism strongly standing strong until February 04, 1948, let us dedicate this day for a sustainable future and eternal freedom. That is the message that we who are celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of an independent Sri Lanka should understand thoroughly.