Major General (R) Umar Farooq Burki HI (M)
On the occasion of the National Day of Pakistan, it is with great pleasure that I am conveying a message of love, peace, greetings and best wishes from the Government and the people of Pakistan.
It is today that the idea of Pakistan was formalized as a political goal for the Muslims of South Asia in their struggle for obtaining an independent homeland for themselves.
The modern day Pakistan and Sri Lanka relations date back to the formative years of our two countries. The foundation of this strong friendship was laid in 1948 when the former Prime Minister of the then Ceylon Honourable D.S. Senanayke visited Pakistan that started a relationship between the two countries taking a firm shape with a history of two thousand five hundred years old linkages established during the golden era of Gandhara civilization. It is further cemented by the commonality of eternal values of universal peace and love espoused both by Buddhism and Islam.
Sri Lanka is one of the first countries with which Pakistan established diplomatic relations. This historic relationship has been nurtured into a strong friendship. It is a matter of great satisfaction that mutually beneficial relations, rooted in history, have become truly multi-dimensional, covering fields of politics, economy, defence and security, culture, education and people-to-people contacts. This is the reason that when Sri Lanka reached out to us during the LTTE menace rampant throughout the island, we did not hesitate for a moment and came to rescue this friendly nation immediately.
I have the pleasure to say that the relations between Pakistan and Sri Lanka are firmly standing on the pillars of mutual trust, respect and desire to promote friendship. High level visits, exchanges and multiple institutionalized mechanisms continuously provide renewed vigour to propel and expend the relationship to newer heights.
On behalf of the Government and people of Pakistan, let me reiterate Pakistan’s continued commitment and support to the Government and people of Sri Lanka in their endeavours towards their march for achieving a bright and prosperous future for their beautiful country.
Availing this opportunity, I wish to extend to the people of Sri Lanka, its leadership and the government of H.E. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, continued progress, prosperity and peace in the years ahead. Long Live Pakistan-Sri Lanka Friendship