COLOMBO :Today, Egypt proudly commemorates its Revolution of July 23rd,1952. Seventy-two years ago, Egypt witnessed a peaceful revolt that raised the slogans of dignity, equality, social justice and national
sovereignty, which enabled the Egyptian nation to assume its righteous role as an active player and advocate of peace.
As we commemorate this historical event, it is fitting to reflect on the strong and enduring bilateral relationship between Egypt and Sri Lanka, as both countries have always enjoyed excellent relations
throughout history and across governments and peoples. Our bilateral relations are anchored in shared values and mutual respect, encompassing various dimensions such as economic, political,
social, and humanitarian cooperation.
Economically, our partnership has flourished over the decades, with trade and investment forming
the backbone of our bilateral relations. Numerous Egyptian and Sri Lankan companies have
collaborated, fostering innovation and growth in sectors such as apparel. These economic exchanges not only benefit our respective economies but also create opportunities for our
people, enhancing their quality of life.
Politically, Egypt and Sri Lanka have consistently supported each other on international platforms, advocating for peace, stability, and development. Our collaboration in addressing global challenges, from climate change to terrorism, underscores the strength of our partnership and our commitment to a more just and secure world. An official visit from the Egyptian Foreign Minister to Sri Lanka is yet to be decided.
Socially and humanitarianly, our relationship is equally significant. Educational and cultural exchanges have deepened the understanding and appreciation of our rich heritages, while joint initiatives in healthcare, education, and social services have improved the well-being
while joint initiatives in healthcare, education, and social services have improved the well-being
of countless individuals. During times of crisis, our nations have stood in solidarity, providing essential aid and support to those in need.
This year, the Embassy of Egypt celebrates its 72nd National Day by conducting a series of Activities: A
Blood Donation Campaign. The 5th iBelong Bazaar took place on the 20th and 21st of July 2024 at One
Galle Face Mall focusing on Human Fraternity. And a Fashion Show that expressed that We are All Human beings with different shapes and abilities.
Moreover, an Exhibition and a Competition of Art, under the title of: “Egypt in the Eyes of the Children and Youth”.
In conclusion, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Sri Lankan People and Government Bodies;
all our partners and friends in Sri Lanka for their unwavering support and collaboration. May the
spirit of the 1952 Revolution inspire us to pursue greater heights in our bilateral endeavors