MALE : In international relations, there are no permanent friends or foes, only permanent interests. States build relations in line with their own national and strategic interests, which keep evolving with changing geopolitical environment of the world. Every country big or small has to protect its interests and shall remain cognizant to lurking external threats and bullying.
Maldives is one such state in the Indian Ocean Region that currently caught up in the competition of world power i.e China, US, and its close ally India, for influence. The evolving geopolitical landscape that is emerging from the rivalry between US, India and China will put increasing pressure on the small island nations, and chances of this competition leading to a potential militarization of this small archipelago are increasing day by day.
Present Maldivian administration under President Ibrahim Mohammed Solih’s India First Policy has forged unprecedented relations in all spheres with its neighbor. Enhanced Indian interest and attention to the Maldives has created an alarm and suspicion in the minds of its public and opposition parties.
Their questions on the government’s loan and defense agreements with India, have remained unanswered and set aside citing national security reasons. The highhandedness of India once asked to take its gifted helicopters back in 2018, remains in the minds of common Maldivians. India has already established their military presence in three important regions of the Maldives: Addu City, L. Kahdhoo and HDh. Hanimaadhoo on the pretext of operating “gifted” Dornier aircraft and helicopters.
Indian military presence and the Maldivian government’s constant refusal to reveal the number of Indian military personnel stationed in the Maldives, coupled with leaked agreements of UTF (Uthuru Thilafalhu) Harbour project, have been termed as undermining of sovereignty and pushing the country under their neighbor’s absolute control.
Indian cabinet’s unilateral decision to open a consulate in Addu City, where a large police academy being built through Indian assistance and largely perceived as a potential military base for India, further fuels the suspicions against the growing Indian influence in the Maldives. As India has increased its vigilant surveillance in the Indian ocean, establishing its consulate general in Addu city categorically fits more to security reasons, rather than a diplomatic purpose. The Maldives is not unique in the Indian Ocean with regards to the close attention by India, it must seek lessons and draw a clear picture of India’s intentions from India’s history and interests with Mauritius and Seychelles. Realizing the danger of overdependence on India and her strategic interests in Maldives, opposition and the general public has already started voicing their concerns through the “India Out Movement” and “Save Addu Campaign”. The international community needs to help the Maldivian public in their attempt to safeguard the country’s sovereignty and potential militarization attempts.(Maldives Journal)