COLOMBO : Remembering the 9th year of the Aluthgama riots in 2014 June , the Acting President of the Sri Lanka Muslim Council Hilmy Ahamed had sent an open letter to Sri Lanka President Ranil Wickrmesinghe on the on the effects of hatred speeches that caused irreparable damages to men and matters .
The letter states : “Today marks the 9th year of the Aluthgama riots where 4 lives and billions worth of Muslim economy ware destroyed by the incitement caused by Ven. Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara thero through his hate speech against the Muslim community on 15th June 2014 at Kalutara.
The Anti-Muslim riots in Aluthgama and Beruwela were religious, and properties of Muslims were destroyed by Sinhalese Buddhist mobs in the towns of Aluthgama, Beruwala and Dharga Town in Kalutara District. The riots followed rallies by Bodu Bala Sena (BBS), a hard-line Buddhist group. The BBS was widely blamed for inciting the riots. The mainstream media in Sri Lanka censored news about the riots following orders from the then Sri Lankan government.
On Poson Poya (12 June 2014) Buddhist monk Ayagama Samitha and his driver were allegedly assaulted by Muslims in Dharga Town. A mob from Samitha’s temple, together with the priest, stormed the Aluthgama Police Station demanding that immediate action be taken. Consequently, the Bodu Bala Sena organised a public meeting in Kalutara on 15th June 2014 that led to the riots. All those who were accused of assaulting the monk were subsequently acquitted of all charges proving that the allegations were baseless.
Pleas from the Muslim community to undertake an impartial inquiry and bring to justice the perpetrators of this carnage have fallen on deaf years of successive governments
Today Pastor Jerome and stand-up comedian Natasha Edirisooriya, along with YouTuber Bruno Divakara have been arrested under ICCPR for inciting hate and undermining Buddhism. While we do not condone any religious insults, the comments by these who are nowhere close to the insults about Islam and our God Allah (SWT) by Ven.Gnanasara Thero or the load of Anti-Muslim extremists. What has happened to the rule of law in this country? Why is the ICCPR enforced selectively?
We thank you for your Excellency’s kind consideration of the above.”