COLOMBO: The KPMG Sri Lanka Academy will be conducting a Virtual Assembly to dissect the “New employment benefit valuation rules” on 14th of February 2023 (Tuesday) at 3.00 PM.
The CGIR issued a revised benefit valuation circular dated 7th February 2023, and this circular seeks to annul the previous circular issued in December 2022.
The analysis of the rules from the new revised benefit valuation is vital since adjustments need to be carried out in the monthly APIT calculations (in order to comply with the circular from 1st January 2023).

The session will be conducted by Mr. Suresh Perera – Principal, Ms. Rifka Ziyard – Principal, Tax & Regulatory at KPMG Sri Lanka. The discussion will focus on the benefits covered in the circular include transport, accommodation, vehicle driver, fuel, shares from the employer, concessionary loans, medical benefits, communication facility etc and the areas for consideration is structuring the remuneration package. Certain non-cash benefit valuations are newly introduced and are specifically for the public sector employees.
For registrations contact Seneli at 0774446649 or