COLOMBO: President of the All-Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama As Sheikh Rizwie Mufthi on Friday,Oct,.14, fully endorsed the views expressed by Supreme Court Justice Yasantha Kodagoda PC, who had said that Sri Lanka must transform into a state where the people can enjoy the fruits of sovereignty, democracy, and fundamental freedoms.
“ I was delighted to hear this statement by the learned judge who really wanted Sri Lankans to live in amity and peaceful coexistence without any racial or petty differences,“ Mufthy said.
He pointed out that it is a timely message which should be followd both by political as well as religious leaders for the betterment of the country.
“At a time when Sri Lanka is facing the devastating consequences of an unprecedented economic disaster, in the immediate aftermath of having succumbed to and thereafter risen from a global pandemic indeed we as concerned professionals and as leaders of our respective organizations, are concerned about how we should transform,” Justice Yasantha Kodagoda told a gathering on Wednesday Oct,12.
“We need to reflect introspectively as well as in an outward direction as to how we too can contribute towards the development of a united, peaceful, economically viable and proud nation,” he added.
Through transformation we must ensure that our people can live in peace and harmony, enjoy the fruits of sovereignty, representative democracy, the rule of law, fundamental freedoms, and of free media, said the Supreme Court Justice.
“Our people must be able to lead a free, healthy, comfortable, and safe life. They must also be able to realize their reasonable aspiration. In as much as we expect our political leaders to transform our country through visionary leadership, honest leadership as well as strong leadership we too need to transform,” he added.
Supreme Court Justice Yasantha Kodagoda PC said “We too must transform in the same direction that we expect our leaders to evolve and in that regard, I believe it is timely that we take an introspective look at ourselves both as individuals as well as leaders of respective organizations.”
“We must, I believe engage in sincere and critical introspection. We must identify where we too may have gone wrong. We must see how we can enhance our professionalism, efficiency, and productivity to become economically strong and sustainable,” he further added.