COLOMBO – “ Iniya Nandawanam ” a Tamil publication designed for Sri Lankan readers was launched at the Wellawatte Tamil Sangam Sangarapillai Hall on Sunday Aug. 27.
It was held under the patronage of SLBC Advisor Hassim Omar and Welcome address delivered by Bawani Sachithananthan.
Colombo Times chief editor and Arab News Colombo Correspondent Mohamed Rasooldeen received the copy of book from Hassim Omar.
Ganam Publication chief editor T. Ganasekeran, Ministry of Education Former Additional Secretary S. Thillainadaraja, ANCL Thinakaran and Thinakaran Varamanjari chief editor Senthil Velavar, and Author Sivalingam addressed the gathering.
Virakesari Newspapers Chief Editor S. Shri Gajan, Sri Lanka Islamic Arts and Literary Association President Ali Akbar including large number of Authors, Writers, Artistes and Media Personnel were present.