SYDNEY : Sydney – iCharity will be organising to distribute dry rations packs to the most needy persons during month of ramadan. Chairman Haji Mukeem Khan has already requested its members and the community to make their donations towards this worthy cause. The distribution of dry rations is one their annual projects. Haji Mukeem has already selected few countries and allocated amounts and it will be increased depending on funds collections. Some of the countries already allocated are
Palestine, Lebanon, Fiji, Bangladesh, South Africa, Rohingya refugees in Malaysia, Srilanka, Pakistan, Kosova, Afghanistan and Nigeria.
iCharity will greatly appreciate if you could kindly make your donation to the following account and receive the blessings in the month of Ramadan
Please donate into
Commonwealth Bank, Australia
Code ‘Zakat’ Account name iCharity Inc
BSB NO. 062410
A/c.No. 10511151
February 12, 2025