COLOMBO: Austra Lanka Muslim Association immediate past President and Trustee Ubaidur Rahmaan Mahmood met the All Ceylon YMMA officials at Katukele YMMA on Saturday, Nov. 20 during his short visit to Srilanka.
Both parties had cordial discussions about the YMMA activities and he was very happy working with YMMA which has more than 160 branches throughout the Island.
ALMA was assisting the YMMA almost last four years to help the needy during the month of Ramadan.

On behalf of ACYMMAC the National President Ihsaan Ahmed Hameed presented a token of appreciation to Ubaidur Rahmaan Mahmood, in recognition of ALMAs Humanitarian Assistance and cooperation extended during his tenure in office from 2020 to 2022.
The following officials of YMMA were present M/s. Nazir M Nifraz NGT U M Fazil VP M H Saleemdeen PNP Inthisaam DD Kandy S M Nazim project chairman and Rayis Musthafa President Katukale YMMA.