COLOMBO : In marking International Day of Disabled Persons, 2021, the Department of Census and Statistics (DCS) together with UNFPA Sri Lanka, recently released its first ever braille and large-print publications to facilitate access for those who are visually impaired. The book titled, DCS at a glance contains a trove of information from the reasoning behind a national census and how it is conducted, to surveys and indicators from the labor force to inflation to industrial production. The document offers a glimpse into the complex and interconnected world of data and statistics gathered, edited, and disseminated by Sri Lanka’s largest and most important link in the national statistical system.

The braille and large-print publications will be printed in Sinhala, Tamil, and English and will be accompanied by a newly introduced podcast by DCS Management, answering pertinent questions about the department and its work. The podcast will be released via the DCS Facebook and Instagram social media accounts. This accessibility outreach is a strategic effort by DCS and UNFPA to enable data access for all and is a part of the strategic communications directive followed by DCS since 2020.
Speaking on this, P.M.P. Anura Kumara, Director General, Department of Census and Statistics stated, “It is DCS’ view that to achieve a nation’s sustainable development objectives, it is important to have timely and accurate data to formulate and implement policies that afford benefits for all, including persons with disabilities. In addition to compiling and publishing official statistics, DCS has a primary responsibility of enhancing statistical literacy among all citizens.”
Also speaking at the event, Ms. Sharika Cooray, Officer in Charge and National Programme and Policy Analyst, on Women’s Rights and Gender stated “In unprecedented times as this, when resources are strained and institutional capacity is limited, vulnerable populations face disproportionate impacts with far-reaching consequences that are only further amplified. Access to information is a crucial first step in empowering persons with disabilities to make informed decisions and have choices. We believe accessibility outreach is an essential building block in ensuring we leave no one behind.”