COLOMBO : A group of more 150 Muslim women have signed a written petition to the minister of justice and Muslim Parliamentarians to reconsider their decision on various clauses of the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act,MMDÀ
The letter states : ” We. as Muslims of Sri Lanka, condemn the positions forwarded by the Muslim Members of Parliament (MPs), in a letter dated 8th June 2023 to the Minister of Justice completely undermining reforms to the Muslim Marriage and Divorce ACT(MMD) of Sri Lanka
We are extremely disappointed in the backward positions taken by the Muslim MP signatories in this document These positions go against the principles of kindness, compassion and peace encapsulated in the Shari’ah They also go against building a Sri Lankan Muslim Identity that upholds the Sri Lankan constitution and represents the enlightened thinking of Islam across the Muslim world.
Refusing to legally address child marriage
Agreeing to women’s signature on marriage documents and ihereatter denying vandity to the signature by making it mandatory that a male guardian sign as well
Refusing to genuinely address harmful effects of polygamy
Excluding Muslim women from the office of Marriage Registrars and Quazis
Denying equal procedure in divorce for women
Denying Mat’aa (alimony), matrimonial property rights in divorce
Enforcing divisions and hierarchies amongst Muslim in Sri Lanka based on Sect and Madhab and failing to recognize that Islam is a religion of equals
Insist on retaining the Quazi system and Quazi appointments within the full control of the Muslim political and religious elite and reject legal recognition of clear appointment entena and procedures.
We recognize that the Muslim communities of Sri Lanka, especially the Muslim women and Muslim women victims of the MMDA, have worked long and hard to bring to light the deep injustices discrimination and harm caused under the current MMDA. The lack of reform all these decades has affected generations of Muslim communities
We are appalled that Muslim Members of Parliament having previously endorsed progressive decisions on MMDA reform have by this document completely reversed their positions.
This conduct dismisses the plight of the victims who continue to share at great risk their pain and mistreatment under the law. These proposals are a reflection of exclusively male led community groups that have repeatedly undermined MMDA reform. These proposals only signal political expediency and not long term development of the Muslim society in Sri Lanka.
We denounce the attempt by Muslim MPs to thwart decades of law making attempts to bring much needed reforms. The recommendations sideline considered reports to the Ministry of Justice which had Muslim women also representing their views.
We urge the Muslim Members of Parliament who signed this document to reconsider this decision, withdraw their signatures and constructively engage with the reforms moving forward.
We also urge these Muslim MPs to provide leadership in publicly communicating that reforms are for the benefit of our community, particularly the most vulnerable. The Muslim community deserves genuine leadership, solutions and redress, we urge that you act accordingly.
We urge the Minister of Justice and the Government of Sri Lanka to reject the MPs proposals and move forward on much needed reforms to the MMDA
We look forward to urgent positive steps from the representatives of the people on MMDA reforms.”