COLOMBO : Case against Liyanage Dan Priyasad alias Dan Prasad was heard today at Fort Magistrate Court. This was filec on an incident of threatening Muslim community with violence near Fort Railway station in the year 2014.
Colombo Crime Divisiin informed the judge that as per the Attorney General advice they are filling charges against accused Dan Prasad under the section of 291A of Penal Code of Sri Lanka. If these charges are proven, the accused may get a jail sentence up to 2 years.
When the case was called today in open courts, the accused was absent and an arrest warrant was issued against him by the Hon. Judge.
Further, Hon..judge directed police to take necessary steps proceed with case without the accused if police that find the accused is purposely absconding courts in order to avoid facing charges against him.
Next date for necessary formalities under section 192 of the criminal procedure code will be on 07/03/2035.
Senior Attorney Shiraz Noordeen appeared with the prosecution on behalf complainants.