October 9, 2021 Ground breaking tax deal:15% Global Minimum Tax Rate – 4 countries including Sri Lanka did not join the agreement – OECD Economy
September 30, 2021 CB Governor to provide relief to importers on Premier’s directive Business, Economy, Loc CB
September 26, 2021 Sri Lanka prints Rs103.5bn below 3-month Treasuries yield to reverse SRR Economy, Loc cbsl
September 22, 2021 KPMG Friday Mid-Afternoon Chat on Tax Amnesty and the write off of Taxes in Arrears under the Finance Act. Business, Economy, Loc KPMG
September 20, 2021 LACK OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE IN BANKS : Sri Lanka money printing hits cable maker raw materials Economy, Loc money
September 17, 2021 United States provides $40 million to SDB Bank to bolster Sri Lanka’s SMEs and assist women entrepreneurs. Economy
September 15, 2021 SAUDI ARABIA : Lulu Hypermarket – launches “Taste of Sri Lanka” across its branches in Jeddah Economy, Middle East
September 12, 2021 Pension with arrears for Cabraal for previous post as CB Governor ; lifetime pension for Lakshman Economy
September 11, 2021 State minister Cabral to resign from Parliament to take up Central Bank Governor’s position Economy