COLOMBO: Vidura Wickramanayake Minister of Buddha Sasana, Religious and Cultural affairs. Took part in the 205th celebration of His Holiness Shaikh Usman Waliyullah mosque.
On arrival,he was received by the Chairman of the Dewatagaha Mosque Reyyaz Salley.Seyed Assheikh Hassan Moulana was also present during the minister’s visit.
Salley told Colombo Times that Minister Wickremanayake drove his own car while coming to to the mosque without any security personnel.” This is a great gesture of simplicity and commonality which is rare to find among the Sri Lankan so-called VIPs,” Salley added.
The chairman also complained to the Minister that most of the Sufi shrines have been locked by extremist trustee after capturing the mosques. He cited the Colpetty mosque as an example.The mosque has two shrines and both remain closed for public and now the case is at the Wakf board for arbitration.
The minister also signed the Visitors’ Book of the mosque.