Bangladesh is one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. Currently the 41st largest economy, Bangladesh will be the 25th largest economy by 2035. Currently the world’s 7th most populated country, Bangladesh’s stable growth has raised tens of millions to middle class and affluence (MAC) status. Besides being the location for a booming domestic market, Bangladesh is also strategic hub linking India, China and the ASEAN countries.
Bangladesh is powered by a rising young population. Young Bangladeshis are fueling a sharp rise in the labor force and supporting industrialisation and consumption.
Investment focus
Bangladesh has the most liberal investment regime in the region, characterised by a wide array of facilities, attractive incentive policies and consistent reforms.
Key features:
Tax exemption, reduced taxation available depending on industry type and locations
Investment protected by Foreign Private Investment (Promotion & Protection) Act 1980
100% foreign ownership is allowed in nearly all sectors
Simplified procedure for issuing work permits to foreign nationals
Bonded warehousing facilities for export-oriented industries
Intellectual Property Right is protected by law
Equal treatment of domestic and foreign investment
Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) with 31 countries
Avoidance of Double Taxation Treaties (DTTs) with 36 countries
Favorable trade benefits
Bangladesh enjoys duty free access in 52 countries which includes the Australia, Canada, Chile, China, EU, Japan, Iceland, India (46 RMG products), New Zealand, Norway, South Korea, Switzerland, Turkey. Bangladesh is also a member of regional blocs SAPTA, SAFTA, APTA, BIMSTEC.
Getaway to South, Southeast Asia and East Asia
Market Access to growing consumer markets: Bangladesh is located between South and Southeast Asia making it an entryway to both these markets of over 3 billion people. Neighbours India and China are within easy distance of Bangladesh.
Well-connected to major ports in Asia: The country is well connected to land and sea ports in several states in India and located within easy distance from ports in China.
Several government Infrastructure projects underway to improve land and port connectivity: Several projects are underway to improve the existing land and sea routes such as the Dhaka-Chattagram route, development of Payra and Matarbari deep-sea ports.