JAFFNA : An exhibition to educate and experience sharing of the concept of federalism was held at the Sankilian Park, Nallur in Jaffna on Wednesday Nov.8
The exhibition traced the history of the ethnic discriminations against Tamils since 1920 to date and explained with historic evidence and showed the valid reasons behind the Tamils’ appeal for federal method of power sharing. General public, university community, Tamil thinkers and Tamil politicians attended the event

Last August 1st, 2022, a campaign called ” 100days of activism for a dignified and righteous political solution for North and East Tamils’ was initiated by North East Coordinating Committee (NECC) and on the 100th day November 8th 2022 they read out a “People’s Declaration ” demanding a Non – Withdrawable Federal Method Power sharing for Merged North East Provinces within United SriLanka” with the participation of broader masses of all eight districts on North and East Provinces.
To mark the first year of the People’s Declaration” , the exhibition was organized by them. Further, a book on “The Emergence of SriLanka’s North East Tamils’ Appeal for Federalism” was launched as well. The book outlined the history of North East Tamils in the island of Sri Lanka, the colonial period and the destruction of the identities of native people and their regions (Jaffna kingdom, Kandyan kingdom and Kotte kingdom) by the colonial rulers and by the British administration model, the colonial Constitutions and different methods of parliamentary representations for SriLankans (communal representation and territorial representation) and the consequences of it.

Finally, the book also discusses the selfishness of Sinhala leaders with power hunger and their discriminatory political strategies.
It is obvious that the exhibition has laid a foundation for Tamil politicians and thinkers of Tamil community to come forward beyond their differences to aim the cause of Tamils.