COLOMBO : Dharga Town Alhambra Maha Vidyalaya is one of the leading schools in Sri Lanka. This institution has produced so many scholars with national and international fame. It’s the 125th year of this College. To look back the history of the College a documentary film under the name “ALHAMBRA- RAY OF LIGHT” was made by its old student and Lecturer of University Ms. Safana Hakeem. It has made her the first female film director of the area.
Executive Director of ‘Sirahu Nuni Center For Arts and Media’, Aathma Jafeer was with her hand in hand to produce this film. Senior Artiste of Muslim Service SLBC Silmiya Hadi, aunt of Director Safana Hakeem has given her fullest support and involved in the production.
The premier show of the film was screened at Majestic(City) Gold Cinema theatre recently. The old students of 50, 60s, former principals, staff, their family members, journalists and special invitees were there to watch this historical documentary that spoke of the fame of Dharga Town Alhambra Maha Vidyalaya.
The audience whole heartedly appreciated the effort of the young film director Safana Hakeem. Former principal of the school, M. Z. M. Nayeem presented a memento in appreciation of her commendable task.