COLOMBO — Al Ihsan Trust ,(AIT) in Sri Lanka distributed dry rations packs for orphans and widows. It was sponsored by Orphans in Need in UK held at the Maha Vishudaramaya Temple (Ali Dena Pansala ) Dematagoda, Colombo and St. John’s College, Colombo including outstations recently and they distributed more than 800 packs of dry rations.
Al Ihsan Trust Director Projects Nissther Annis said Al Ihsan Trust is a UK registered charity working in Sri Lanka to support orphans and widows particular of those who were displaced by civil conflict and the Tsunami and now living as refugees, struggling through the crippling hardships of poverty and they distributed more than 1000 packs.
Chief Incumbent of the Maha Vishudaramaya Temple Ven. Welimada Shantha Thero, Dematogoda Police Station Officer in Charge Kapila Bandara and Al Ihsan Trust Director Projects Nissther Annis were present at the distribution.
Also AIT distributing dry rations for Ramadan Eid Food Project, Education for impoverished children, Sponsorship for Hafiz students, Renovating and Existing Masjid, Providing Water Hand Pumps and Water Wells for deserving areas and Qurbani projects.