COLOMBO: To facilitate the smooth function of the ACJU, a stream of sub-committees have been formed. They include :
Ulama (Islamic Religious Scholars’) Affairs
1. Committee for Islamic Religious Scholars’ Affairs
2. Social Services Committee
Muslim Community Affairs
3. Fatwa Committee
4. Hilaal Committee
5. Education, Research and Publication Committee
6. Propagation & Guidance Committee (Da’wah and Tarbiyah)
7. Women’s Affairs Committee
Citizens’ Affairs
8. Council for Cooperation and Coordination
1. Committee for Islamic Religious Scholars’ Affairs
This Committee is dedicated to serving the interest of the Islamic Scholars who have served and continue to serve the community to the best of their ability. Also, this Committee aims at providing the following wide range of services for the Ulama (Islamic Religious Scholars):
- Standardizing the Madarasa education system with the collaboration of the relevant stakeholders.
- Facilitating training programs for Ulama on spiritual, academic, and skill development.
- Identifying qualified Ulama and categorizing them based on expertise, in order to best utilize them for the needs of the Muslim community.
- Supporting Ulama in their quest for Islamic-based higher studies.
- Uplifting the general living standards and well-being of Ulama.
- Creating self-employment opportunities for Ulama, with needful technical and vocational training, where necessary.
- Identifying the sacrifices and the services of the veteran Ulama and honoring them.
2. Social Services Committee
The Social Services Committee focuses on the areas of relief aid, social services & counseling. Special training related to social services are provided to Ulama of the Divisional Branches on subjects such as Disaster Management, building relationships with other regional social service entities (within the framework set out by the Government), rehabilitation and organizing special guidance programs concerning the environment, health, education and other related matters.
The Committee maintains the policy of utilizing the funds raised for a particular social services project for the same, and in the event of any excess funds, it is transferred to another similar social services project.
3. Fatwa Committee
The ACJU, as a recognized religious body to deliver guidance and non-binding religious opinions on socio-religious issues faced by people, carries out this unique project with the consensus of opinion among Ulama of different Schools of Thought. The aim of Fatwa (non-binding religious opinion) is to simplify and present religious rules in matters that may cause confusion for the people and to create a lifestyle of peace and harmony. It is notable that the majority of the Fatwa issued by the Committee has been related to social, economic and inheritance-related guidelines. Moreover, this Committee also issues timely guidance on national issues as needed, explaining the Islamic perspective.
The public are able to request Fatwa via phone, email, post or by visiting the ACJU Head office. All queries are handled by dedicated competent Scholars. While common fundamental issues are being responded to immediately, complex queries requiring deliberation are submitted to the Committee during the monthly Fatwa meeting with prominent Scholars.
The objective is to deliver clear and accurate solutions and guidance to issues of religious nature while documenting and compiling such discussions for future references.
4. Hilaal Committee
As per Islamic teachings, the lunar calendar is used to determine significant events and timings. This Committee is tasked with determining the Hijri Months, determining Salah (prayer) times according to various geographic locations in the country and providing accurate Qiblah directions.
A moon-sighting mechanism has been developed according to international standards to determine the (beginning and end of) Hijri Months. According to plans in place, Hilaal sub-committees at the regional level will assist the Committee in implementing this mechanism of Hilaal sighting. The respective local Jumu’ah Masjid representatives for Hilaal (crescent) sighting, shall operate under the local ACJU Divisional branches.
The final confirmation on the sighting of the first crescent is determined by the Colombo Grand Mosque, Department of Muslim Religious & Cultural Affairs & ACJU collectively and the respective decision shall be announced to the public. This decision shall be based on the agreed 5 criteria to determine the sighting of the crescent.
Public awareness of the Hijri month declaration is done through SMS, while the digital Hijri calendar is circulated through emails and is published on the ACJU website. Printed copies of the monthly Hijri calendar is dispatched via post to the annual subscribers.
In addition, the public shall be kept informed of solar and lunar eclipses as they occur and the related guidelines as per the teachings of Islam (Eg: Reminder on Eclipse prayer, etc.)
Providing guidance to determine the accurate direction of the Qiblah considering the fact that due to dependence on technology, the direction of the Qiblah established in Masjids has been incorrect at times. The ACJU is planning to introduce a system based on the sun to identify the accurate direction of the Qiblah.
To achieve the above goals the ACJU has already conducted in-house training programs at Divisional levels.
5. Education, Research and Publication Committee
Education: Scientific research are conducted in schools that need improvement in results & discipline, then provides motivation programs & training to school students, parents & teachers, spiritually & academically while looking into the dire needs of the underprivileged students, especially in Colombo.
Moreover, this Committee assists to create an effective learning and teaching environment by facilitating essential infrastructure facilities and other necessary basic arrangements as much as possible.
Quran Madarasa: Identifying the requirement of restructuring the Quran Madarasa education system, the ACJU initiated an implementation program based on the framework and curriculum produced by the Department of the Muslim Religious & Cultural Affairs. The syllabus is prepared in such a manner that it teaches the recitation of the Holy Qur’an, the proper understanding of it, Hadith (traditions) of Prophet (Sal), ‘A’daab’ (good etiquettes, manners), ‘Akhlaq’ (morality, good social behavior), co-existence, Islamic history and Arabic Language.
It was ensured that this syllabus was free from all forms of extremism, terrorism and any inappropriate content or ideology that may harm peace & harmony. The syllabus was prepared in accordance with the guidance and advice of the Directors and related officials of the Dept. of Muslim Religious & Cultural Affairs who had drafted the outline of the syllabus framework for preliminary Islamic Religious education.
Established with the aim of cultivating an enthusiasm amongst students towards learning the Holy Qur’an, the Sunnah and the Islamic teachings which would benefit the society; this project is one of the biggest projects carried out by the ACJU for the development of Qur’an Madrasah.
Research and Publications: This Committee is also tasked with publishing material including books, magazines and periodicals on Islam-related matters and the translation of important works from their original languages. The Committee also undertakes the scrutinizing of purportedly Islamic publications including newsletters, magazines and other periodicals, and takes appropriate action where anomalies or discrepancies with the Aqeedha are found.
6. Propagation & Guidance Committee (Da’wah and Tarbiyah)
Propagation: This Committee focuses on assisting and guiding the community in dispelling misinformation about misguided movements. Also, the Committee conducts awareness programs needed for the general public through every Divisional Branch on topics such as Hajj, Ramadhaan, family life, promoting unity & peaceful coexistence, etc. It provides guidance to the community on protecting themselves from major sins. The Committee regularly arranges and conducts awareness programs for the public on misguided movements and encourages the Ulama to guide the public as required.
Youth: With regard to Youth Affairs, this committee facilitates the acquisition of skills and orientation that will assist young people in making desirable choices for self-development and full participation at all levels in society.
It facilitates, implements and enhances youth programs, services and projects through the Divisional Branches of ACJU around the country in order to create a patriotic and spiritually enhanced youth society with the ability to face modern challenges.
It would also provide counseling and other services for youths with addiction problems, in order to rehabilitate them. It is a social responsibility to implement all possible measures to protect the youth from all forms of vices which may destroy their lives. The Committee focuses on developing rehabilitation programs while enriching the youth with spiritual guidance and also nurturing them to be future leaders of the society.
Special programs and projects are carried out with the objective of protecting the youth community from all forms of extremism, terrorism nor any inappropriate ideologies that may harm peace & harmony
Identifying the need for youth to be empowered, the committee explores possible mechanisms to support the youth for higher studies, provide needful technical and vocational training, strategize manners to identify the basic skills of every youth and develop their skills with the collaboration of government entities.
7. Women’s Affairs Committee
The objective of this Committee is to provide guidance to the women of our community on religious teachings and on serving the community inappropriate and possible means. Efforts shall be initiated by the ACJU Branches through which monthly programs shall be conducted for the spiritual development of women which shall be beneficial for their social and personal lives.
The committee is also working on providing premarital counseling with the collaboration of ACJU Branches, on leading successful marriage lives. It also provides guidelines for women in accordance with the Islamic Religious teachings, in matters such as higher education, community affairs, etc.
8. Council for Coordination & Cooperation
This committee focuses on humanitarian values and exists to foster and grow the unity and co-existence, the Muslim and non-Muslim community has enjoyed for over a thousand years. The committee brings together various factors in the community including Da’wah Organizations and the Tharīqās (sects), within the Islamic principles, as well as the communities of other faiths, by taking effective steps to create and promote mutual understanding, unity, peace, cooperation, and peaceful co-existence among the people.
In its broader mandate, the CCC focuses on fostering inter-community relations by means of dialogue, discussion and conventions providing guidance to the public on harmony and co-existence through the Friday Jumu’ah Sermons, supporting Schools and Universities in building social unity and supporting the Propagation Division in creating and issuing publications.