COLOMBO – Zahira College Colombo Group of 80 in collaboration with the Maligawatte Police Station had organized Free Eye Check – up Camp at the Police Station premises on Sunday August 11. A Free Eye Checkup and 450 Reading Glasses were distributed among the needy
Officer in Charge of the Maligawatte Police M.B. Jayasinghe Wijeyawardena, Group of 80 Past President A. L. Anver, Chairman of Committee Nusrath Ramiz, Editor Ayoob Cader, Treasurer and Colombo Grand Mosque President Thahir Razeen and Committee Members Dr. M.A.C. Kamaldeen and Dr. Jaldeen were also present.
The organizing Committee presented Zahira College 100 year’s souvenir to the OIC of the Maligawatte Police Station at this event.
This event was made possible through the collaborative efforts of the Maligawatta Muslim Cemetery Administrative Board, Zahira 80 Group, Wattala Hemas Hospital, Community Committees,Bixton Lighting ,Memon Humanitarian Society the Board of Officers, and the Colombo Grand Mosque.
Pix by : A. R. Media