COLOMBO : Colombo Times staffer Silmiya Yousuf has got her diploma in Communications and Media Studies from the University of Colombo at a colorful convocation held at the Auditorium of the university on Saturday,April 27.
Yousuf who was delighted to be blessed with a diploma said : “ Alhamdulillah Finally my dream came true, Graduated at University of Colombo in Mass Media communication studies and the convocation was held at the University of Colombo on Saturday, April 27.
The achievement is a major milestone in my career as a journalist, my hard work coupled with the cooperation of my close friends made me reach this destination! Thanks to all!
Inshallah ! I will not stop with this , pray for me to achieve and win more accolades in the field of journalism!
My thanks are also due to my university lecturers who made me achieve this ambition in life!
Let me march ahead on the progressive path to serve my country with all your good wishes and prayers ! “