COLOMBO: The Muslim Religious and Cultural Affairs Department headed by its Director Ibrahim Sahib Ansar celebrated the Meelad Day in style at the Jamiah Naleemiah on Sunday,Oct, 9 with a galaxy of distinguished guests including diplomats, ministers,legislators and leading businessmen.
The celebrations took place at Beruwela, where the first mosque in Sri Lanka was built and the early Arab travelers landed in the coastal town and formed settlements in the area.
Speaking on the occasion, Hafiz Naseer Ahamed, minister of environment said that during his recent visit to the countries in the Middle East including Saudi Arabia and the UAE, the authorities pledged to support Sri Lanka in times of the current crisis. He said the SABIC in Saudi Arabia has promised to give Sri Lanka needed fertilizer, while the UAE is considering a credit line to Sri Lanka to tide over the present difficulties.
Buddha Sasana and Relgious Affairs Minister Vidura Wickremanayaka said that Muslims have co-existed with other communities in Sri Lanka for centuries.
In his welcome address, Ansar recalled that the Prophet Muhammed’s teachings were for all people and he remained an example to the whole world by way of his preachings and practices.
Principal and Managing Director of Jamiah Naleemia delivered a discourse on the significance of the life of Prophet Muhammed who is accepted by the world community.
The guests were hosted at a luncheon at Marjan Faleel,area palriamentarian’s house. Khateebs of all mosques in the Kalutara district were given certificates and cash awards in appreciation of their services.