We as an Organizations or as individuals have to make decisions in our day to day life. It may be for a very simple choice like taking the public transport to office or personal car today or critical management issue to be sort out at higher level at the organization. When it comes to management decision-making is an integral part of modern management. When someone playing the role of a manager he takes hundreds of decisions subconsciously or consciously since decision making process is continuous and indispensable component of managing any organization or business activities. Also importantly decisions are made at every level of management of an organization to ensure organizational or business goals are achieved
When it comes to the corporate level decision making can happen in top down or bottom up. The top down decision making style is all about decision making is done at the higher levels of the hierarchy and the decisions are passed down the corporate ladder to be implemented by middle level managers and line level managers. The bottom up decision making style basically implemented by giving autonomy to the middle managers and the line managers to take decisions based on the conditions and circumstances existing in their teams and the middle management is often called as the “sandwich” layer because they have to implement the decisions made by top level managers and have to balance with their particular teams through excellent communication and motivating them to reach the organizational goals.
As we aware the decision making process is the method of gathering information, assessing alternatives, and, ultimately, making a final choice. This can implement in professional manner following the mentioned seven steps
1: Identify the decision that needs to take: when you identifying the decision it is better to know what is the problem that needs to be solved? , What are you going to achieve by implementing the decision? How you are going to measure the success of the decision?
2. Gathering relevant information related to the decision: This is very important tool to make the best decision rather take decision blindly without any information. Do you have any historical information related to the issue or any one else tried to solve similar sort of problem and how they were successful?
3. Identify alternative solutions: In this step you have to look at the problem in various angles and various solutions to the problem with the information in hand.
4: Weigh the evidence: going through all the different solutions identified need to analyse how they would address the initial problem while recognizing the pros and cons of each option, and eliminating alternatives from those options.
5: Choose among the alternatives: To take the final decision considers all the information gathered and how the decision will affect the organization.
6: Take action: Once you have come to the conclusion it’s the best time to put the solution in to action, this has to communicate well among the organization to work towards the goal and make it a success.
7: Review your decision and its impact : Finally when you made the decision and implemented it , you should be able to analyzed the success using the metrics to measure the success of the decision asking few questions such as was the decision made success and solve the problem ? How did the decision impacted, negatively or positively? The decision was benefited to reach the goal of the organization or not?
In case you find the decision was not the best or it was not the best alternative, then you have an opportunity to enable to adapt and make the other best options.