Since its inception in 1998 as an inter-governmental initiative, the India – Sri Lanka Foundation (ISLF) has been continuously fostering ties between the two countries through economic, Education, scienti¬fic, technical and cultural cooperation. As a result, the ISLF has been instrumental in establishing greater people to people contacts. The specific focus of the ISLF pivots around supporting creative initiatives and bringing together the youth and the civil societies of the two countries. Till date, the Foundation has funded more than 300 projects worth SLR.150 million and currently 20 projects in the areas of research, art & culture, social work, science and technology etc. are in progress. The ISLF has supported youth exchange programmes and has also promoted the pursuit of higher studies as well as research, besides supporting a variety of cultural programmes.
Recently, ISLF has provided a ¬financial assistance of SLR.500,000 to Sri Palee Campus of University of Colombo for setting up the “Guru Dev Rabindranath Tagore Gold Medal” for the best student as well as extended assistance of SLR.500,000/- to the Sinidu Foundation in support of their efforts to meet sanitary needs of underprivileged women in Sri Lanka. ISLF has also funded many social events including the Attorney General’s Department, the Legal officers’ Association to organize a fundraiser, “A Ray of Hope” to help the children who lost their parents in the Easter Sunday Bomb attack (2019); donation of 300 white canes, scholarships for 50 students and 100 radios to visually impaired citizens through Welfare Organization of Visually Impaired Women (2019). ISLF will continue to collaborate further for strengthening people to people linkages between both the countries.