COLOMBO : Sri Lanka has expressed its solidarity with the US government in remembrance of the September 11,two decades ago which caused the loss of lives and destruction to properties in the United States during this terror attack.
In a press release issued on Saturday, September 11, the Sri Lankan foreign ministry said : “Today, September 11, marks 20 years since the terrorist attacks perpetrated on the United States of America (USA) causing loss of life and limb to many innocent people from the USA as well as many other nationalities.
The Government of Sri Lanka expresses its solidarity with the people and Government of the United States of America as they commemorate a very painful episode in the country’s contemporary history. Sri Lanka also wishes to pay tribute to the many victims and survivors of the dastardly attacks.
As a country that has for long suffered from terrorism and succesfully overcame its challenge on Sri Lankan soil, the Government of Sri Lanka also wishes to reiterate the need for all countries to unite in eliminating terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.”