COLOMBO : Geneva Crisis – The Way Forward compiled by the Ambassadors’ Forum of Sri Lanka was launched on Friday March 12, at the Foreign Ministry. Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena and Foreign Secretary Admiral Professor Jayanath Colombage participated in this event.
This book contains twenty eight (28) articles related to the Geneva Crisis. The writers of the articles consist of a number of key personalities including the incumbent Foreign Minister and Foreign Secretary. In addition, retired diplomats, experts, legislators, academics and others contributed to this book.
Speaking at the launching ceremony, Sarath Wijesinghe, PC and former Ambassador, commended the immense contribution made by the writers of the book. It was launched as a solution focused on the entire future of the Geneva issue, not as a temporary measure to address the upcoming UNHRC resolution, he stated.
Minister Gunawardena also spoke at the event and affirmed Sri Lanka’s commitment to uphold the democratic principles. Commenting on the UNHRC resolution, the Minister further stated that the priority must be given to every human being of the world at present, in view of the prevailing pandemic situation. Targeting certain countries should not be a priority of the world at present, the Minister further stated.
Foreign Secretary Colombage also spoke at this event and articulated Sri Lanka’s way forward in relation to the UNHRC resolution. Providing a background on the current situation at Geneva, he commended the voluntary contribution being rendered by various non-government individuals and institutes across the world, in support of Sri Lanka’s position.
The book is scheduled to be circulated soon among the Sri Lankan Missions abroad and other interested parties.