COLOMBO — The 35th Anniversary and 5th General Convocation of the Puttalam Islahiyyah Ladies College (ILC) was held at the BMICH Conference Hall on Tuesday January 14. 35 Years of Excellence in inspiring Young Woman Through Faith and Knowledge.
Islahiyyah Ladies College, is one of the leading educational institute in Sri Lanka. This institute was established in 1987 and has provided over 690 graduates to date. This year 335 Graduates received their certificates from the guests.
Welcome address was delivered by Chairman of Board of Management Hidayathullah Ajmal.
South Eastern University Chancellor Dr. Faisz Mustapha PC was present as chief guest. Former Vice Chancellor of University Islam Melaka Malaysia Prof. Datuk Dr. Haj. Mohamed Taib Bin Hj Dora and Deputy Chancellor of Academic and International Affairs University Islam Melaka Malaysia Dr. Anas Bin Tajudin was present as guests of honour.
Special Guest Head of Department of Geography University of Colombo Prof. Fareena Ruzaik, Jamiah Naleemiah
Institute Rector Ash Sheik A.C. Agar Mohamed and Principal of the College Ash Sheikh M.A.L.M. Faslul Faris addressed the gathering.
35th year souvenir was released and the first copy of the souvenir presented to the chief guest Dr. Faisz Mustapha PC and other guests by Principal of the College Ash Sheikh M.A.L.M. Faslul Faris. Also presented mementoes to the chief guest and other guests.
Counselor of Malaysian Embassy Mohammad Tuming, Members of the Board of Management Islahiyyah Ladies College, Invitees, Lecturers, Students and Parents were graced the ceremony.
Secretary of the Islahiyyah Ladies College S.A.C.P. Marikkar proposed the vote of thanks.