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Zahira Veterans Tour Bangkok on 11th September For TOTO CUP BKK 2024


COLOMBO – The Zahira Veterans Football Team , is to embark on their maiden tour of Bangkok to play invitation match “ TOTO CUP BKK 2024 “ between Zahira Veterans team vs Yothinburana Alumni team matches to take place in Ministry of Health Grounds, BKK, Thailand  on 13th September.  

The team will be led by Jawfer-us Sadik with the team captain Abdur Rahuman, President Hussain Azad and Secretary Shiraj Sallay. 

Former National player, Naina Mohamed who had played for the Zahira College team and also represented the country when he was 19 years old, is a skilful player with a very good record also representanting the team.

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Members of the Zahira Veterans team.

Standing from left – Mohamed Ifraz ,Mohamed Ifham Mohamed Saffan, Muhammed Jahaz, Abdul Razak, Mohamed Yazeer, Shiraj Sallay (Secretary), Zaid Kha, Samiur Rahuman Mohamed Shafraz,  Mohammed Farhan, Fhad Anwer, Thariq Ali, Smeerul Hamza, Fazal Ahamed, Mohamed Sheedh, Mohamed Isham, Ahamed Shana                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Seated from Left – Yasar Mohamed, Rizme Samsudeen, Mohamed Hassimdeen, Mohamed Shafeek, Tuwan Janet Cuncheer, Mohamed Irfan, Abdur Rahman, Hussain Azad, (President), Naina Mohamed (former National Player), Luthuffie Farhan, Jawfer-us Sadik, Shaffie Namin, Mohamed Fiyaz, Mohamed Reishad, Nadheem Sha

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