COLOMBO – The Zahira College had organized a Teacher Recognition Ceremony (TRC) on Sunday November 3 at Waters Edge, Battaramulla.
It was organized by the College, under the stewardship of Fouzul Hameed – Chairman, Board of Governors and Trizviiy Marikkar – Principal along with the Parents Teachers’ Association.
TRC 2024 stands as a distinguished occasion dedicated to honoring the commitment, excellence, and influence of Zahira’s educators. The TRC has become an esteemed platform that celebrates teachers’ milestones and achievements under various accolades.
This year, an impressive 27 teachers who have served Zahira College for over 25 years were honored with ‘Service Excellence Awards ’, commemorating their long-standing commitment. Additionally, 14 outstanding educators from diverse academic administrative sections received the ‘Performance Excellence – Silver’ award. The most coveted titles of the evening, however, are the ‘Performance Excellence.’
Most Popular Teacher – Mrs. P. Nishika Piushani – Sectional Head (Upper Primary – Sinhala) and Performance Excellence – Mrs. Maheesha Zarook – A / L (Commerce Stream received awards from the guest of honour and Chairman, The Traveller Global Rizmi Riyal.
Also chief guest Former Head of KPMG Reyaz Mihular, Board of Governors Chairman Fouzul Hameed and Principal Trizviit Marikkar presented awards to the teachers.
Project Chairman, Nimnaz Rameez, Secretary PTA Hazmil Hamdoon, Teachers and Old Boys were also present.