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World Journalists Conference takes off in Seoul


SEOUL: The World Journalists Conference which began here on Wednesday .April 27 called for coordinated efforts to meet the challenges for successful regional development.

Korea’ s Deputy Foreign Minister Choi Youngsam said here that organized efforts media personnel will help overcome the problems caused in the digital world.
More than 50 delegates from some 48 countries attended the event organized by the Journalists Association of Korea.

South Korea seeks a “free, peaceful and prosperous” Indo-Pacific region, and wants to expand its “substantial cooperation” with other countries to strengthen relations and development in the South Asia region.
Recently, South Korea’s investments have been diversified in infrastructure, energy, and consumer goods such as electronics – thereby contributing to further expansion of collaboration.

Kim Dong Hoon, president of the Journalist Association of Korea said in his keynote address : “ This year. We have carefully selected topics for discussions that will help the journalists and their countries.
The topic ‘ Challenge of journalism for regional development will help participants to identify the core issues and their solutions to overcome the challenges .

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