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WARNING : President Secy. reacts to false news reports

COLOMBO: Sri Lankan President’s Secretary  Dr.P.B.Jayasundera has taken legal action against a false newspaper report targeted at him by highlighting a statement made by a Member of Parliament. The President’s Media Division said in a press release yesterday that the Secretary to the President P. B. Jayasundera  vehemently denies the false reports created by certain media targeting him by citing a statement made by an Opposition MP in Parliament regarding the opening of a personal account in a state bank to import fertilizer from India. “Those news stories are completely false and malicious.The opening of an account in a state bank is an act between the relevant bank and the account holder. It is the responsibility of the bank to act in accordance with the standard procedures in this regard,” the release said. The Secretary to the President stated that stern legal action has already been taken against the false propaganda targeted at him.

The Secretary to the President has informed the Inspector General of Police (IGP) to summon all relevant parties and conduct a formal and comprehensive investigation into the newspaper report immediately.

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