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Wakfs board tells mosques to have max 25 worshippers, while government limits the number to 10 people at any given time


COLOMBO- The Department of Muslim Religious Cultural Affairs, directed by the Wakfs Board of Sri Lanka has sent out a circular to all mosques on Monday August 16, that a maximum of 25 persons will be allowed in mosques at a given time, while the government has stipulated only a maximum of 10 individuals can gather at any given time.

Ala Ahamed, deputy director of the Muslim Mosques and Charitable Trusts, said the notice is being issued in view of the enhanced Covid restrictions dated 15.08.2021 and prevention of gathering of people in public.

Ahmed said the revised set of regulatons has been issued on instructions from the Wakfs Board of Sri Lanka on Monday, August 16

Further, the circular has told the mosque authorities to stop all congregational prayers and activities including Five time Jamaal prayers, Jummah prayers, Janaza prayers, Holy Quran Recitation and Nikah Majilis and all other congregational activities in all Mosques till further notice.

To follow the other Health/Security authority regulations and the previous Wakfs Board directions are to be very strictly followed.

Accordingly, wearing face mask, maintaining a meter distance, carrying the respective prayer mats and performing ablution from home are compulsory.

All ablution areas and toilets in mosques are to be kept closed.

And to  keep all Mosques closed  in areas declared as Isolated and Restricted, till further notice.

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