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Vaccination Programme: Sri Lanka ranked third in the world with 1.74 million people inoculated

COLOMBO : Sri Lanka has been ranked third in the progress shown in administering Covid-19 vaccinations by a scientific online publication “Our World in Data” – a research group backed by the Oxford University, London.

Sri Lanka has administered 8.28 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines and 1.74 million people have been fully vaccinated. The total population of the country is around 22 million.

Coming after Ecuador and France, Sri Lanka has shown the best progress in “Daily Covid-19 vaccine doses administered per 100 people”, the publication stated, which is impressive for a developing country with a big population.

According to the publication, by July 22, China was in fifth place, Japan sixth, UK 11th and India in 12th place. The United States has been ranked in the 13th place by the research team from Oxford University.

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