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Unity Declaration, Kuala Lumpur-Southeast Asian Ulama Conference 2022


KUALA LUMPUR : The following resolutions were moved at the South-east Asian Ulama Conference held here on Jube 30.

 Unity linked to relationships among human beings are based on human values. In nature, human require peace, togetherness and justice. All human beings need to realize that differences in skin colour, race, ideology and religion should not lead to disunity. We are all brothers in Islam and must play a role in maintaining peace, harmony and world’s stability, since it is commanded by Shari’ah and the principle of Maqasid Shari’ah.

Thus, the Southeast Asian Ulama Conference 2022 which took place on 30 June 2022/30 Zulkaedah 1443H at Sunway Resort, Malaysia agreed that:

  1. The foundation of unity in Ummah must be built based on the principle of tasamuh, in relationship among people as promoted by Islam.
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