The Malaysian delegation led by YB Dato’ Sri Hajah Nancy Shukri, Minister of Tourism, Arts, and Culture, attended the MONDIACULT 2022 Conference in Mexico City, Mexico, on September 28–30, 2022. The conference was attended by a total of 2,750 participants, consisting of 150 UNESCO member countries, and involved the participation of a total of 136 participants among Ministers and Deputy Ministers of Culture.
During the conference, the YB Minister delivered an intervention on the theme of ‘Renewed and Strengthened Cultural Policies’. The YB Minister, through her speech, emphasised three (3) important aspects taken by Malaysia in an effort to strengthen the country’s cultural policy, including the formulation of the National Cultural Policy (DAKEN), digitization transformation in the cultural sector, and reinvestment in the cultural sector. [Photo 1-2]
India – Malaysia @65
Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture through the National Academy of Arts, Culture, and Heritage (ASWARA), presented a cultural performance at the India-Malaysia @65. The programme is organised by the Indian High Commission in Malaysia in conjunction with the celebration of the 65th anniversary of Malaysia-India diplomatic ties at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) on 9 September 2022.
This programme also includes cultural performances by cultural groups specially brought from India. The performance by ASWARA in this event shows MOTAC’s support for this programme and the strong relationship between the two countries. [Photo 3]
2023 China-ASEAN Classic Folks Songs Symphony Concert
In conjunction with the China-ASEAN Classic Folks Songs Symphony Concert, MOTAC sent the National Symphony Orchestra from Istana Budaya to perform at the concert. The concert was held at the Grand Theatre of Guangxi Culture & Arts Centre in Nanning, China.
With the theme of “Guangxi and South-East Asian Melodies Across the Maritime Silk Road”, the aim of this concert is to learn and exchange expertise between Chinese and Malaysian musicians. [Photo 4-5]
Malaysia Food and Culture Festival, Kunming, China
Malaysian Consulate General in Kunming, China organised the 4th Malaysian Food and Cultural Festival at Crowne Plaza Kunming Center Hotel. The food festival will last for two months starting from 1 July to 31 August 2023.
MOTAC has sent a cultural troupe from the National Department for Culture and Arts (JKKN) to perform at this event. The objective of the programme, which entered its 4th edition, was to introduce and dignify Malaysia’s artistic and cultural heritage in addition to promoting the uniqueness of Malaysian food to the people in China. During this programme, the Consulate also requested that the JKKN conduct a Malaysian dance learning workshop for visitors and university students in Kunming in an effort to promote Malaysian arts and culture. [Photo 6-8]
London Craft Week 2023
The Royal Pahang Weaving Foundation under the patronage of Her Majesty Queen Azizah represented Malaysia at London Craft Week (LCW) 2023 on 6 – 14 May 2023. This programme in collaboration with the Malaysian Crafts Corporation was held at the High Commission Malaysia London.
Malaysia’s involvement in LCW 2023 helps to promote heritage craft products produced by local craft entrepreneurs such as the traditional craft products of the Malays, Orang Asli, and Sabah and Sarawak ethnic groups. In this regard, the Handicrafts Department has sent three (3) handicraft entrepreneurs who also participated in this programme. Among the events that were held throughout the program are the Opening Ceremony by Her Majesty Queen Azizah, exhibitions, demonstrations of craft product manufacturing and online sales. [Photo 9-10]
World Dance Day in Kota Tua, Jakarta, Indonesia
The Ministry of Tourism, Arts, and Culture (MOTAC) participated in World Dance Day 2023 between 5 to 8 May 2023 at Kota Tua, Jakarta, through the National Academy of Arts, Culture, and Heritage (ASWARA).
ASWARA beautifully exhibited Malaysian traditional dances such as Mengadap Rebab, Zapin, Mek Mulung, and Joget Cinta Sayang to highlight the diversity of our cultural history. Malaysia’s remarkable performance in Joget Cinta Sayang has won the “Best Audience Award” Category.
This accomplishment not only demonstrates the incredible talent of our artists and performers, but it also demonstrates the government’s dedication to fostering bilateral art and culture relations between Malaysia and Indonesia. [Photo 11-15]
Kebaya to UNESCO Contest (1 April to 1 June 2023)
The International Relations Division (Culture) of MOTAC conducted the #KebayaToUNESCO contest from 1 April to 1 June 2023, to draw the involvement of all Kebaya enthusiasts in the country as part of the promotional activities for the multi-national nomination of Kebaya to UNESCO. Participants were required to submit original Kebaya images and a short message explaining why they love wearing the Kebaya, along with the hashtags #KebayaKeUNESCO and #KebayaOnTheGo, via MOTAC’s Facebook and Instagram social media sites.
The #KebayaToUNESCO contest was completed with 417 contestants participating. The grand prize was two return flights to London for the winner, two return domestic flight tickets for the first runner-up, and five consolation prizes. [Photo 16-17]
Archaeological Heritage Site of The Lenggong Valley Communal Work Program on September 25 and October 31, 2022
The Communal Work Program of the Central Zone National Heritage Department with the Global Archaeological Research Center (PPAG) USM was held on September 25, 2022 at Gua Teluk Kelawar and on October 31, 2022 at Gua Harimau, Lenggong. A total of 25 participants from the Dept. of National Heritage Central Zone staff and participants of the Local Community Cultural and Archaeological Heritage Interpretation Training Program of the Lenggong Valley were involved in the activities of cleaning the surrounding area in these caves. [Photo 18-19]
Workshop on the Transfer of Knowledge and Skills of the Function of the World Heritage Office (WHO), February 22-24, 2023
The Department of National Heritage had organized the Transfer of Knowledge and Skills Workshop for the handover of the World Heritage Office (WHO) of the Archaeological Heritage of the Lenggong Valley Site to the Perak State Government. Among the objectives of organizing this workshop is to share expertise and experience with the Perak State Government as the manager of the Lenggong Valley World Heritage Site in matters related to the management and administration of the Archaeological Heritage of the Lenggong Valley including the preparation of a report to the World Heritage Centre. [Photo 20-21]
Memory Of The World (MOW) Nomination Programme Workshop, 16 – 18 May 2023
The Ministry of Tourism, Arts, and Culture allocated RM20,000.00 to the Department of National Heritage for the implementation of the Memory of the World (MoW) Nomination Programme Workshop.
This workshop was held for three days, from 16 to 18 May 2023, at the Royale Chulan Cherating Resort in Pahang, with 30 participants from various organizations including the National Library of Malaysia, the National Archives of Malaysia, the Institute of Language and Literature, and the Sarawak State Museum Department.
The major purpose of this workshop was to identify historical documentaries proposed by relevant organisations that may be submitted under the UNESCO Memory of the World (MoW) recognition program. This workshop also acts as a forum for participants to harmonise and strengthen their nomination forms. Kitab Tib MSS 1292, Syair Siti Zubaidah Perang Cina, Mushaf Al-quran Terengganu and Hukum Kanun Pahang, Al-Tarikh Salasilah Negeri Kedah, and Surat-surat Persendirian Baginda Omar were among the manuscripts suggested during the workshop.
Overall, the workshop met its objectives and enhanced awareness among agencies, particularly about the importance of safeguarding and preserving documentary heritage. [Photo 22-23]
International Conference on Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICICH2022), 26-28 October 2022
The International Conference on Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICICH2022) was organized in partnership with the UNESCO Jakarta Office, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, and ASWARA on October 26-28, 2022. The National Department of Culture and Arts (JKKN), Istana Budaya (IB), and Tourism Malaysia (TM) are among the key partners involved.
This conference, themed “Good safeguarding measures and practices”, featured 21 panelists and specialists from ICH UNESCO member countries, including Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, Germany, India, the Republic of Korea, and Japan. It is an effort to fulfill the agenda of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage by protecting and safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. A transcript of the papers presented during the conference has been made available to the public. [Photo 24-25]
Workshop on the Preparation of the Nomination Form for the Kebaya, 1 to 3 November 2022
The workshop was held on 1 to 3 November 2022 at Tasik Villa International Resort, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan. The kebaya is a joint nomination of Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand under the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This workshop aims to update the information on the nomination form as well as the publication of the nomination video which will be sent to the UNESCO secretariat in March 2023. This workshop was attended by experts and representatives from Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore physically and Thailand virtually. [Photo 26-27]
ASEAN Workshop on Sustainable Heritage Food Packaging and Commercialization for the World Market, 12-16 June 2023
The ASEAN Workshop on Sustainable Heritage Food Packaging and Commercialisation for the World Market was held on 12-16 June 2023 at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). A total of nine ASEAN countries, involving nine presenters and nine heritage food demonstrators, participated in this programme including Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Lao PDR, Thailand, Brunei and the Philippines. This programme is funded by the ASEAN Cultural Fund. In addition, a representative from the ASEAN Secretariat was also invited to participate in this programme.
This programme has involved cooperation from several strategic partners, namely Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), JKKN, ASWARA, Istana Budaya and Melaka Heritage Institute. The activities of the programme include paper presentation sessions, heritage food demonstrations, round table discussion sessions, dinners, cultural visits to Melaka, and the closing ceremony. [Photo 28-29]
Photo 1: YB Minister of Tourism, Culture and Arts giving an intervention on the theme of ‘Renewed and Strengthened Cultural Policies’ during MONDIACULT 2023
Photo 2: YB Minister of MOTAC and the Malaysia delegation at the MONDIACULT 2023.
Photo 3: Cultural troupe from the National Academy of Arts, Culture, and Heritage (ASWARA), perform a cultural performance at the India-Malaysia @65.
Photo 4 & 5: Musicians from Malaysia and China jointly perform at the China-ASEAN Classic Folks Songs Symphony Concert
Photo 6 & 7: Cultural troupe from JKKN at the Malaysian Food and Cultural Festival
Photo 8: JKKN’s Cultural troupe with the Consul General of Malaysia in Kunming, China.
Photo 9: YBhg. Datuk Hajah Saraya Arbi, Secretary General MOTAC and Malaysia Delegation with Her Majesty Queen Azizah.
Photo 10: Among the visitors who attended London Craft Week 2023 at High Commission Malaysia London.
Photo 11-15: ASWARA participation in World Dance Day 2023 at Kota Tua, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Photo 16-17: Promotional posters of #KebayaToUNESCO contest.
Photo 18-19: Participants from JWN and USM at the Lenggong Valley Communal Work Program
Photo 20-21: Workshop by JWN for the Perak State Government as the manager of the Lenggong Valley World Heritage Site
Photo 22-23: The Department of National Heritage conducting The Memory of the World (MoW) Nomination Programme Workshop
Photo 24-25: Promotional posters of The International Conference on Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICICH2022).
Photo 26-27: Workshop on the Preparation of the Nomination Form for the Kebaya, 1 to 3 November 2022
Photo 28-29: The ASEAN Workshop on Sustainable Heritage Food Packaging and Commercialisation for the World Market was held on 12-16 June 2023 at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)