COLOMBO : In a letter addressed to Harshana Nanayakkara Minister of Justice, & National Integration, M. Ifham Yehiya,president of the Sri Lanka Quazi Judges Forum has appealed the justice minister for Revision of their Allowances
The letter states : “ We, the Quazi Judges, are writing to bring to your attention the current allowance structure which, as per our understanding, is insufficient to adequately cover the costs associated with performing our duties. At present, we receive a nominal allowance of Rs. 7500.00 for our judicial services and Rs. 6250.00 for secretarial work. Given the nature of our responsibilities, these amounts are inadequate to run an office, manage administrative tasks, and hear cases effectively. There are 65 Quazis deal with approximately 15,000 cases annually and this considerably reduces the burden on the regular Judiciary System.
Considering the critical role that Quazi Judges play in ensuring justice, we kindly request your esteemed office to review and revise the allowance provided to us in the upcoming 2025 budget. A fair and adequate allowance would not only motivate us to continue performing our duties with dedication, but it would also improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the judicial process.
We would appreciate it very much if you could give us some time to meet with you as there are still many matters to be brought before you.
We look forward to a favourable response at your earliest convenience.
We trust that you will consider our concerns and take appropriate action to address this
Sri Lanka Quazi Judges Forum requests justice minister for Revision of their Allowances