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Special programs in Sri Lanka on the day of Hajj Festival


Muslims of Sri Lanka with rest of the world celebrate the Hajj Festival on Monday June 17.  Hajj is one of the fundamental pillars of Islam. It is the duty of every Muslim to perform Haj at least once in lifetime. Haj is called the Festival of Sacrifice the sacrifice made by Prophet Ibrahim, his wife Hajara and son Ismail to adhere to the commands of Almighty Allah in fulfilling his obligation.

Hajj Festival prayers will be held  at all the Mosques and Zaviyas and special prayers will be held for the people of this country and to solve the present Israel Palestine crisis.

The Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Muslim Service will broadcast the special Hajj Festival programme over the Muslim Service from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Hajj Festival prayers and Sermon will live broadcast from 8.30 am to 9.30 am at the Masjidul Najimi Jumma Mosque, Colombo. Also will broadcast in various programme in Tamil and Malay Languages. In addition Islamic Songs, Drama, Children Programme and Women’s Programme said Head of the SLBC Muslim Service Ms. M. J. Fathima Rinoosiya.

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