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Special prayers performed for the people of Morocco, Libiya affected by the earthquake,flood at the Colombo Dewatagaha Masjid !

COLOMBO : Ghayib Janaza prayers were offered for the victims of the earthquake and flood that occurred in Morocco and Libiya on recently and a special prayer was offered for the affected people and for the return of Morocco and Libya to a strong state soon.

The Prayers were  held on Friday,Sept.15 at Ash-Sheikh Usman Waliyullah Jummah Masjid, Dewatagaha Colombo 07.

This prayers programs Presided By Masjid Chairman Al-Haj Reyyaz Salley, Al-Haj Ash-Seyed Abdul Kareem Thangal Al-Ayduroosi conducted the Ghayib Janaza prayer and Al-Haj Ash-Seyed Dr. Hassan Moulana Al-Quadiri conducted the special Dua prayers.

A large number of people including Seyyed Sadath, Ulamas, Masjid Trustees participated in this prayers.

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