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SAMM Ashraff, former Principal Hameed Al Husseinie College passes away peacefully in Colombo


COLOMBO: S.A.M.M Ashraff (Retired Principal Hameed Al Husseinie College, Colombo 12 passed away peacefully on Wednesday morning July 13th July at his residence.

Marhoom Ashraff had been with Hameed Al Huseini for more than three decades.He succeeded former Principal M F M H Fakhir at Hameedia and remained as principal till his retirement.

His services as a teacher will be well-remembered by way of his devotion to the profession and his amiable ways. He was one of those who were largely responsible for the development of Hameed Al-Husseinie which was his second home.    

He was the husband of Hajiani Sithy Nufuza (Retired teacher), Son of late Sheikh Abdullah Marikkar & Sellamuthu Nachiyah (Godapitiya, Akuressa), Brother of Late Shahul Hameed, Late Mohamed Yoosuf & Late Mohamed Ghouse, Father of Fawaz Ashraff (Ex. Virtusa) and Dr. Fathima Silmiya Ashraff (De Soyza Maternity Hospital), Father in law of Elham Ashraff, Dr. Ruzan Baari Majeed (NHSL), Grand father of Aamir, Saaliha, Haroon, Aadil & Younous.

Janaza Inshallah will be held at Maligawatta Burial Grounds after Asar prayers same day.

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